


450 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., Suite 200 Houston, TX 77060 (713) 332-0062
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  • Healthcare & 北休斯顿医学研究所,德克萨斯州

    位于8号环城公路旁, 休斯顿的FORTIS研究所, 北是接近一切在得克萨斯州最好的城市之一. FORTIS Institute Houston North provides career education and training to people in the greater Houston area in the healthcare, 医疗和技术行业的职业领域. 你可以在休斯顿接受医学培训, Texas, 同时还能享受“太空城”为德克萨斯同胞提供的一切.

    At FORTIS Institute Houston North we offer a 放射技术 program for those interested in a career as a rad tech.   我们的其他十大正规赌博平台大全包括牙科协助, Medical Assisting, 无菌处理技术员和外科技术.  劳工统计局 ranks medical assistant among the fastest growing healthcare occupations nationally over the next 10 years.  You can capitalize on the trends in healthcare employment by pursuing your medical education at FORTIS Institute in Houston, TX - North.

    富通学院休斯顿北校区的放射技术课程旨在教授学生确保作为放射技术专家的入门级就业的技能.  Rad techs are healthcare professionals who specialize in the imaging of human anatomy for the diagnosis and treatment of pathology.  他们受雇于医院等医疗机构, physicians’ offices, 门诊护理中心等等.  The growing size of the older population and the rising prevalence of chronic disease will lead to greater demand for diagnostic procedures. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 需要更多的放射技术人员来进行成像检查,这对诊断和制定治疗计划至关重要.

    如果你想在医院和住院诊所工作,帮助外科医生,那么你需要接受无菌处理技术员的培训,负责保持医疗和手术器械的无污染. 外科技术人员是手术室团队的关键成员,ST在手术期间以及术前和术后过程中与外科医生和护士一起工作.

    你目前是否从事医学工作,但想获得副学士学位? 富通学院休斯顿校区的医疗保健管理课程可以教授您寻求入门级医疗保健管理职位所需的业务和医疗保健管理技能. 作为学位完成十大正规赌博平台大全, 医疗保健管理是为那些在医疗辅助和牙科辅助等领域完成文凭课程并在该领域工作并具有医疗保健行业实践经验的人准备的. This is a great path to advance your medical career to work in medical health services, 管理服务, 社会及社区服务, 医务室或诊所, 医疗保健营销和医疗保健销售.

    We have a Skilled Trades program at Houston North to prepare students to become an HVAC Technician.  The 采暖,通风,空调和制冷 programat FORTIS Institute trains students to install and service heating, ventilation, 空调和制冷系统.  具有暖通空调安装或暖通空调机械师的初级职位, graduates of this program will be qualified to service and troubleshoot today's complex heating and cooling systems.  还有著名的休斯敦天气, there will always be residential and commercial buildings that will require HVAC service and repair.

    With everything you can learn with a career education from FORTIS Institute in Houston, TX - North, you will be ready to get started in your professional career in your program of interest in less time than you might think.  Get started today.  Call or click for more information to pursue a medical career education in Houston, Texas.

    我们的休斯顿北校区距离Woodlands的Atascocita只有很短的车程 & Spring.

    FORTIS Institute Houston North was formerly known as MedVance Institute before joining the network of FORTIS Colleges and Institutes in 2011.


    在我们的技术贸易十大正规赌博平台大全中, you will learn the knowledge and hands-on skills that will allow you to make a difference doing something you love to do. 我们的综合技能行业课程将传统的课堂教学与情境和实践学习经验相结合,为学生的入门级职位做好准备.

    如果你喜欢触动别人的生活, 对朋友和家人产生积极影响, love working with your community and those in need - a career in healthcare will surely bring you a great deal of satisfaction. 医疗技术十大正规赌博平台大全涵盖了一系列的技能, FORTIS可以让您走上通往完美职业生涯的正确道路.

    富通学院的牙科辅助和牙科培训课程帮助学生获得所需的技能和知识,以证明他们获得相关许可所需的能力,并开始新的职业生涯. 牙科助理和牙科保健员是医疗保健团队的重要成员,富通的牙科培训计划可以帮助您为新的职业做好准备.


    我们试着让学生们什么都学一点.  这给了他们一个机会,“嘿,这是我学到的东西... 我真的知道我在说什么."  That's exciting.

    David Hernandez,



    The following programs may require licensure or certification to obtain employment. 请找到您感兴趣的课程,以确定该课程是否符合您所在州的执照或认证的教育要求.